



A leader is responsible. S/he takes accountability for actions, learns how to have hard conversations, gives credit where credit is due, and empowers his or her team. Leaders are strong but open to others’ ideas, know when to say “yes” and “no”, and are responsible for setting vision and strategy.

Intellectual Capital

What’s in your wallet isn’t nearly as important as what is in your head. We value original thinkers who have their heart and head in the right place. We value critical thinkers, problem solvers, trendsetters, deal-makers, and analyzers.

Confident not Arrogant

Confidence inspires, arrogance is a turn-off. Confident teams and individuals are the catalysts that lead to multimillion dollar businesses. Teams and individuals that support partnership-driven initiatives align with our values.

Relationship Capital

Business success follows relationship success. Everything in life wishes to reward its contributor. A “relationship account” is opened with every contact you make. We seek relationships which value contribution, reciprocity and a healthy human interaction aimed at building people, teams and organizations.


True wealth creates. Wealth is more than a comfortable lifestyle or possessing nice things; wealth is having the resources to stabilize your life and make an impact in stabilizing the lives of others through causes that inspire and create good will. Responsible management of wealth brings true fulfillment.

Direct Communication

We value transparency, feedback and open dialog. Clear communication and agreed-upon guidelines and boundaries provide a safety net for financiers, shareholders, employees and families.


We value the importance of overall wellness. Proper diet and exercise, maintaining mental sharpness, reserving time for spiritual renewal, and nurturing personal vitality are all essential components of an effective business leader.

I Believe

We invest in people who believe they can do it. What you think, say and do has a direction, which moves you one step closer to your pursuit of excellence.


We reward performance. Performance is our benchmark for rewards and increased opportunities, not need or circumstance. Dedication, hard work and results deserve to be rewarded.


We passionately protect time. Time freedom is having control of where and how long we devote resources to a cause. Its proper management affords opportunities to do what we want, when we want, and how we want.