
About FuzeFiber
FuzeFiber seeks to remedy a common problem within the garment industry; how to stay off molds and other bacterial agents without sacrificing the integrity of the fabric. It’s a common problem; furs and other natural fabrics are more susceptible to natural, microscopic predators. FuzeFiber, with the support of a team of scientists, created a sprayable liquid made from silver particles that protects the fabric from microscopic damage and preserves it for much longer.
Project Details
Client Client Name Date Date of Completion Skills Branding, Web Design View elegantthemes.com

Bootstrapping and Zig-Zagging to success
FuzeFiber, the company responsible for the marketing and distribution of the spray, was started with less than $5,000 of start-up capital.
Bootstrapping and Zig-Zagging to success